Daryl Hall and John Oates German Fan Website Daryl Hall and John Oates German Fan Website         Daryl Hall and John Oates German Website        

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Band History | Concert History | Concert Reviews | Live Band | Live From Daryl's House | Live Recordings | Trading

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Live Concerts, Rarities & Trading

Japan Tour84-4.jpg (10006 Byte)
Hall & Oates Live Concerts more than 350 live audio/video concerts of Hall & Oates
Legend & Quality rating  
Radio interviews and shows  
Rare Mixes, single releases etc. more than 200 12" mixes, B-Sides, songs with other artists etc.
DVD List if you have DVD's - please contact me - Thanks!
Want List  

If you like to trade with me, please send a email.
I'm looking for audio and video live concerts. Concerts with better sound quality are also interesting. Please send me your CD, DVD, MD or audio tape - list or the link to your trading list.


You own a Hall & Oates tape and would like to transfer it on CD-R? No problem, I use a professional software for the transformation.CD-R - artworks: I have a lot of artworks for my stuff.


I'm also looking to trade or buy books, songbooks, tourbooks, interviews, pictures, magazines, etc.


You have Hall & Oates concert stuff I don't have, but you have no interest to swap it for H&O concert stuff? I have a lot (> 1700) live concerts or studio outtakes of other artists. Please tell me want you want.


It would be a great pleasure if you could help me to make a interesting website.


I ask for understanding that I can't sell any concerts for legal and also temporal reasons.
Please don't ask me, it's useless.