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The Secret Life Of Hall & Oates - Article by Lynn Hirschberg - ROLLING STONE #439, January 1985

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"People still think that," says Hall, repeating his standard rebuttal. "The idea of sex with a man doesn't turn me off, but I don't express it. I satisfied my curiosity about that years ago. I had lots of sex between the ages of three or four and the time I was fourteen or fifteen. Strange experiences with older boys. But men don't particularly turn me on. And, no, John and I have never been lovers. He's not my type. Too short and dark."

The next album, Bigger Than Both of Us, topped the charts with its single, "Rich Girl." (The song was written, incidentally, about a man, one of Sara Allen's ex - boyfriends, whose father owned a fast-food chain. "But you can't write, You're a rich boy,' in a song:" Hall has said, "so I changed it to a girl.") Then Hall and Oates went into a decline. Neither Beauty on a Back Street (John Oates has said that it's their only album he truly hates) nor Along the Red Ledge (their foray into all-out rock & roll) generated a hit single.


Then came Voices. And "Kiss on My List." And "You Make My Dreams." And Private Eyes. And "I Can't Go for That." And H20. And hit after hit after hit. "It was great:" Hall says. "We were vindicated. We were accepted on our own terms. To all those people who said, Those guys are on their way out,' we said, 'You guys is wrong.'"

The difference, according to Hall and Oates, was that radio had opened up and that Hall and Oates had begun producing themselves. The band had always been terrific live - much better than on record - and they were now able to capture some of that quality on their albums. Plus the fact that Hall and Oates were willing to push their records like mad didn't hurt. They did videos before anyone did videos. They toured for nearly yearlong stretches. And their tours were sponsored by big-name corporations before sponsorship was common. They even did a tour for Care-Free sugar-less gum in 1978. The high schools across America that sent in the most gum wrappers got Hall and Oates performing live in their auditoriums. "It was great," says Oates. "We got off at three o clock every day."

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