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The Secret Life Of Hall & Oates - Article by Lynn Hirschberg - ROLLING STONE #439, January 1985

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Oates claims that the two of them have a "symbiotic relationship. He needs me, and I need him." Yet, in a professional sense, it is easy to see Hall without Oates and nearly impossible to see Oates without Hall. (In fact, Hall's next project will be a solo album.) There is a reason for this: Hall has terrific charisma. He's a natural. Oates can seem forced; Hall usually seems effortless. Offstage, Oates, who must have one of the least destructible egos in the entertainment industry, is easier to read. He has concrete passions: he races cars, he enjoys skiing. Hall, though, is inscrutable, his contrasts are sharper. There is a moment in the "Out of Touch" video that neatly synopsizes the difference between them. Hall is leaning against a pillar, arms crossed, his eyes staring off. As he stands there, Oates does a cartwheel in front of him. Hall doesn't move - it's as if he can't even look at Oates' foolishness. There's the same difference between them in concert. Oates often seems mannered, while Hall combines ease with intensity, showing glimpses of a darker side.

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The duo in 1974, before the hits started coming

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